2023-02-13: News Headlines

JANET (2023-02-12). Is the Democratic Party the alternative to fascism, or its enabler? iacenter.org By Arjae Red February 9, 2023 Feb. 7 — The Jan. 6, 2021, failed attack on the U.S. Capitol exposed an attempt to overturn the presidential election results and made it undeniably clear that the Donald Trump-led MAGA movement represents a critically dangerous and growing threat of fascism in the U.S. But it left this question open: Can the Democratic Party really provide a solution to the fascist menace? Some might answer that the Democratic Party isn't the ideal alternative but the lesser of two evils. Others would say the Democrats are an inadequate instrument for totally defeating the Republicans and MAGA…

Cindy Forster, Kawsachun News. (2023-02-12). Interview: Taking Down A Fascist. popularresistance.org We were in our distinct regions when the coup took place. I was the first to leave my province because we met with the grassroots organizations, and they decided, "You are the representative of this province. While we defend our [vote] in the streets, you need to defend it in Parliament. Whatever it takes, you have to get back into Parliament." I was able to re-enter, and I stayed there, while the rest were on the outside in the streets, communicating with us —they told us everything that was happening— they were being tear-gassed and arrested, they were chased, some lost their shoes, their aguayos or…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-12). Evil and "Terribly Normal People" libya360.wordpress.com Rosa Miriam Elizalde The new banality of evil is tourism, capable of turning a Nazi concentration camp, where 200,000 people were interned between 1936 and 1945, into an object of consumption. In Sachsenhausen, near Berlin, more than 30,000 died from disease, starvation, medical experiments, torture or the gas chamber. It was a center conceived by…

JANET (2023-02-12). Is the Democratic Party the alternative to fascism, or its enabler? iacenter.org By Arjae Red February 9, 2023 Feb. 7 — The Jan. 6, 2021, failed attack on the U.S. Capitol exposed an attempt to overturn the presidential election results and made it undeniably clear that the Donald Trump-led MAGA movement represents a critically dangerous and growing threat of fascism in the U.S. But it left this question open: Can the Democratic Party really provide a solution to the fascist menace? Some might answer that the Democratic Party isn't the ideal alternative but the lesser of two evils. Others would say the Democrats are an inadequate instrument for totally defeating the Republicans and MAGA…

Cindy Forster, Kawsachun News. (2023-02-12). Interview: Taking Down A Fascist. popularresistance.org We were in our distinct regions when the coup took place. I was the first to leave my province because we met with the grassroots organizations, and they decided, "You are the representative of this province. While we defend our [vote] in the streets, you need to defend it in Parliament. Whatever it takes, you have to get back into Parliament." I was able to re-enter, and I stayed there, while the rest were on the outside in the streets, communicating with us —they told us everything that was happening— they were being tear-gassed and arrested, they were chased, some lost their shoes, their aguayos or…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-12). Evil and "Terribly Normal People" libya360.wordpress.com Rosa Miriam Elizalde The new banality of evil is tourism, capable of turning a Nazi concentration camp, where 200,000 people were interned between 1936 and 1945, into an object of consumption. In Sachsenhausen, near Berlin, more than 30,000 died from disease, starvation, medical experiments, torture or the gas chamber. It was a center conceived by…

Staff (2023-02-12). Estamos obligados a forjar nuevos valores y esperanzas para nuestros pueblos. cubadebate.cu El mundo vive una crisis sistémica estructural: económica, energética, alimentaria, ambiental, social, civilizatoria. Y no se vislumbran respuestas globales, porque el capitalismo no es capaz de estructurarlas, sino que es el causante de su agudización, para lo cual sólo tiene ante sí la exacerbación de conflictos bélicos y la modernización y expansión de sus arsenales cada vez más letales.

Emanuel Pastreich (2023-02-12). How the Super-Rich Destroy Our Minds. globalresearch.ca

Roger Waters (2023-02-12). Roger Waters United Nations Speech: Ceasefire Now! socialistproject.ca Roger Waters Addresses United Nations February 8, 2023. | "The invasion of Ukraine by The Russian Federation was illegal. I condemn it in the strongest possible terms. Also, The Russian invasion of Ukraine was not unprovoked, so I also condemn the provocateurs in the strongest possible terms. | "We the people, want universal human rights for all our brothers and sisters all over the world irrespective of their ethnicity, religion or nationality. To be clear, that would include but would not be limited to the right to life and property under the law, for instance, Ukrainians, and for instance Palestinians.

Speak Out Socialists (2023-02-12). Saturday 3/11: Good Housing is a Right! (Online Townall). indybay.org Zoom (Online) | Zoom info: | us02web.zoom.us/j/82158800683?pwd=N2J6UjgxNWhNak1WRWdUdm9CUit4QT09 | Meeting ID: 821 5880 0683 | Passcode: 340756…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-12). Mayo Clinic Minute: Postpartum depression is more than baby blues. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Postpartum depression is real. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says 1 out of every 10 new moms suffer from it. It's much more than what's called the "baby blues" because it lasts longer and tends to be more severe. Symptoms include mood swings, anxiety, sadness, crying irritability and feeling overwhelmed. Prompt treatment is important, and Mayo Clinic experts say it works. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/WhmJuesp9ck Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (0: 57) is…

No to Israeli Dictatorship (2023-02-12). Demo Demands on Crissy Field. indybay.org The Golden Gate Bridge at their back, demonstrators on San Francisco's Crissy Field posed for photos as wind blew around banners, flags and signs reading "No to Israeli Dictatorship" and calling the current leadership corrupt.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-12). Dying by Killing: The US and its Manifest Destiny. libya360.wordpress.com Marcos Roitman Rosenmann The fear of disappearing as a hegemonic power awakens the survival instinct. The United States (US) has entered a dangerous drift, the end of which puts the future of humanity at risk. If a nuclear holocaust is on the horizon, it is no coincidence. The cultural reason of the West is facing…

americanthinker (2023-02-12). Africa a medical mystery to the globalist COVID elites. americanthinker.com Africans weathered the COVID-19 pandemic far better than those nations that followed masks, lockdowns, and mass vaccinations. That's a mystery to WHO, but not to the rest of us.

Volker Schuhmacher, Roland Rottenfusser (2023-02-12). The brainwashing plant and Against forgetting. indybay.org Klaus Schwab created a suitable stage for his ideology in the WEF. Wikipedia quotes Forbes magazine, "According to Forbes magazine, the WEF's Great Reset agenda is 'another example of how rich, powerful elites assuage their consciences with phony efforts to help the masses, making themselves even richer and more powerful in the process'" (15).

Anonymous103 (2023-02-12). No To NATO Song by Mistahi. southfront.org We present to you the song of a friend of SouthFront This song by Mistahi goes out to all peace loving people who are taking a courageous stand against US empire building and expansion of the aggressive, warmongering military alliance, NATO.

People's Dispatch. (2023-02-12). German Workers Across Sectors Protest Fall In Real Wages. popularresistance.org On Thursday, February 9, public service workers from sectors, including health care, day-care, city administration, public transport, water distribution, universities, and municipal waste management, went on a warning strike protesting low wages and poor working conditions. The protest took place in the States of Berlin, North Rhine Westphalia (NRW), and Hesse, among others, | Over 3,500 people, including professionals from the state-owned Vivantes Hospitals, Charite-Berlin University of Medicine, Berlin Waste Management (BSR), and other public sector enterprises demonstrated at Oranienplatz in Berlin on Thursday…

ecns.cn (2023-02-12). U.S. restrictions on Chinese property ownership violate international trade rules: Chinese FM. ecns.cn The generalization of the concept of national security and the politicization of economic and trade investment of the U.S. side violate the principles of the market economy and international trade rules, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said at a regular news briefing on Friday.

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