Daily Archives: September 5, 2024

2024-09-05: News Headlines

timeturk.com (2024-09-05).   Israel seeks military solution to Gaza crisis by 'disappearing' a nation: Palestinian envoy to UNIsraeli fascist extremist leaders have decided to try to bring it to its ultimate conclusion: Palestine with no Palestinians,' says Riyad Mansour

Jenny Farrell (2024-09-05). German painter Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840) on his sestercentennial September 5. peoplesworld.org The French Revolution sparked great hopes for the rise of the bourgeoisie, the abolition of feudal structures, and the establishment of capitalist society. Napoleon gained power through military successes against reactionary forces and the restoration of stability after the fall of the Directory. His leading role in state reforms—including the codification of civil rights in …

Nicolas J S Davies (2024-09-05). Who wants to kill and die for the American Empire? nationofchange.org The U.S. policy of proxy war, relying on allies to do the killing and dying in order to avoid domestic political blow back over U.S. casualties, has led us to the brink of war with Russia and Iran.

infobrics (2024-09-04). New evidence linking Biden crime family and the Neo-Nazi junta. infobrics.org "The political and strategic objectives of the United States and its measures to intervene in Ukraine can be confirmed by numerous official and unofficial documents. These include, for example, the President's published National Security Strategies, US laws and other legal acts that relate to Ukraine and US financial support for Ukraine with the intention of influencing the policy and party landscape in Ukraine," the Austrian court noted, adding that Washington DC's persecution of Firtash gave it the reason to question the professed democratic principles of the United States, "a country with sham traditions of de…

Victor Grossman (2024-09-04). First place for right wing in Eastern Germany not a surprise. peoplesworld.org Editor's note: The latest, now official results of the elections in Thuringia and Saxony are as follows: In Saxony it's CDU — 31.9, AFD — 30.0, BSW -11.8, SPD — 7.3, LINKE — 4.5, AND FDP — 1.5. In Thuringia it's AfD 32.8, CDU — 23.6, BSW — 15.8, LINKE — 13.1, SPD — 6.1, …

JANET (2024-09-04). Celebrating 75 years of Chinese Socialism — in London and New York City — Assemblies of Peace and Solidarity. iacenter.org Guests can attend in-person (seating is limited) or virtually. Registration required for online and in-person participation via Eventbrite: www.eventbrite.com/e/china-at-75-changes-unseen-in-a-century-tickets-984534257467 October 1, 2024 will mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, when Mao Zedong declared that "the Chinese people have stood up." The group, Friends of Socialist China, is initiating two events to mark this historic occasion, in London on Saturday, September 28 and in New York City on Sunday, September 29. These events will highlight the extraordinary ac…

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