2024-09-02: News Headlines

María Candela (2024-09-02). Venezuela se recupera en tiempo record del ataque fascista al Sistema Eléctrico Nacional (+Fotos y Audio). radiohc.cu El Presidente de la República de Venezuela Nicolás Maduro Moros reconoció a los trabajadores del sector eléctrico por la recuperación en tiempo record del ataque fascista al Sistema Eléctrico Nacional, así lo dio a conocer la Vicepresidente Ejecutiva Delcy Rodríguez en la red social Telegram.

Editor (2024-09-02). 'Europe's Long Rightward Lurch Continues' as Germany's AfD Projected to Win. scheerpost.com

WSWS (2024-09-02). Far-right Alternative for Germany achieves over 30 percent in Saxony and Thuringia state elections. wsws.org For the first time since the end of the Nazi dictatorship, a right-wing extremist party has become the largest party in a German election.

Zoltan Grossman (2024-09-02). Lessons of Kristallnacht, "Civil War," and Mass Deportation. counterpunch.org On a recent trip to Germany, I sought to better understand how the Nazi Party rose to power, and carried out the Holocaust, in which most of my Hungarian Jewish relatives perished. I gained some new insights, and learned several lessons that may be useful in the polarized United States today, with the election looming and far-right agitation growing. |

newleftreview (2024-09-02). Sanjay Subrahmanyam: Blood and Bombast. newleftreview.org Sanjay Subrahmanyam on Vinayak Chaturvedi, Hindutva and Violence and Janaki Bakhle, Savarkar and the Making of Hindutva. Intellectual biographies of Hindu nationalism's Mazzini-inspired theoretician.

newleftreview (2024-09-02). Cédric Durand: Landscapes of Capital. newleftreview.org A critical engagement with the work of Brett Christophers, whose books—The New Enclosure, Rentier Capitalism, Our Lives in Their Portfolios and The Price Is Wrong—unfold a novel critique of the 'rentier stage' of contemporary capitalism, in the tradition of radical historical geography developed by Lefebvre, Harvey and Davis.

WSWS (2024-09-02). Sri Lankan Supreme Court rules cancellation of local elections violates democratic rights. wsws.org Postponing last year's local elections by President Wickremesinghe, just nine months after the 2022 mass uprising, was a reactionary attempt to maintain his unstable regime and implement IMF austerity.

Angela (2024-09-02). Tuesday 9/3: Codepink Capital Calling Party: Authoritarianism at Home & Abroad. indybay.org Zoom | www.codepink.org/cpc0903

Unitarian Universalists of SF (2024-09-02). Sunday 9/22: Postcards to Hitler: A German Jew's Defiance in a Time of Terror. indybay.org 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, 94109 | or via Zoom: | Join Zoom Meeting | zoom.us/j/97292849068?pwd=jcMGtlis6Q7obdNI0pbvlHN00TtErq.1 | Meeting ID: 972 9284 9068 | Passcode: 738569…

Sozialismus.de (2024-09-02). A Peace Policy for the 21st Century. indybay.org "Peace is not everything but without it everything becomes nothing" Willy Brandt | Even in pre-war periods, peace policy must include criticism of ideological enemy images, which create an essential prerequisite for aggressive foreign policy. In the US, we must unlearn war and dismantle the empire and the outmoded 800 military bases!

newleftreview (2024-09-02). Grey Anderson: Imperium Uncloaked. newleftreview.org Grey Anderson on Tom Stevenson, Someone Else's Empire. Lucid anatomization of the American imperium, with a devastating assessment of the UK's equerry role.

Gabisile (2024-09-02). Motsoaledi to open Pharmacists International Federation Congress. sanews.gov.za Motsoaledi to open Pharmacists International Federation Congress | South Africa is hosting the first-ever International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Congress in sub-Saharan Africa.

The four-day congress, which kick-started on Sunday, 1 September 2024, is also part of the Pharmacy Month commemorative activities to raise patient awareness of the vital role pharmacists can play in the community's healthcare and to improve communication between patients and pharmacists and pharmacy support personnel.

The gathering brings together pharmacists from all over the world to share expertise, network, share…

In Contempt (2024-09-01). In Contempt #44: Prison Rebellion in Idaho, Running Down the Walls, Antifascist Targeted in Indiana. itsgoingdown.org In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action and analysis. Packed in as always are updates, fundraisers, and birthdays. There's a lot happening, so let's dive right in! Black August The San Francisco Bay View has republished a classic introduction to Black August, and…

scorinoco (2024-09-01). President Maduro Fully Supports President of Honduras Amid US Interventionist Actions. orinocotribune.com The President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro expressed his "absolute support" for his Honduran counterpart, Xiomara Castro, who he said is the victim of a "cruel and excessive attack" by the United States after she terminated the US-Honduras extradition treaty. | "On behalf of all the people of Venezuela, I express my absolute support for the president of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, who is the victim of a cruel and excessive attack by those who have sowed terror in our America, promoted coups d'état, and created alliances and protection mechanisms for criminal and fascist groups that today try to threaten our democrac…

WSWS (2024-09-01). The Guardian's brief for the trade unions: They are "good for capitalism" wsws.org The paper's main concern, and Labour's, is to make it as easy as possible for the union bureaucracy to police workers and create a strike-free environment for the government's right-wing agenda, at home and abroad.

W. T. Whitney, Jr. (2024-09-01). Awareness of capitalists' use of colonialism invites rethinking of solidarity commitment. mronline.org Studying capitalism, Karl Marx examined the Industrial Revolution in Europe. He explored conflict between worker and employer.

Guest Blogger (2024-09-01). Botched Green New Deal: Business Sentiment In Germany Is Now Free-Falling, "On The Brink" wattsupwiththat.com Failing socialist-green experiment. Economists warn German economy is "on the brink"… "further decline"

Vanessa Beeley (2024-09-01). Exposing Genocide Narratives, UK Totalitarianism and US Electoral Antics. thealtworld.com

Paul Craig Roberts (2024-09-01). A Vote for Kamala Is a Vote for Tyranny. thealtworld.com

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