Daily Archives: July 14, 2024

2024-07-14: News Headlines

Yves Engler (2024-07-14). Liberals Create Yet another "Support Israel's Crimes" Position. dissidentvoice.org A genocidal Jewish supremacist political culture rewards, well, a genocidal Jewish supremacist. That explains Anthony Housefather's recent appointment as Special Adviser on Jewish Community Relations and Antisemitism. On Friday Justin Trudeau rewarded his most openly hostile caucus member with the newly created position. This gives Housefather a bigger platform to promote Israel's holocaust in Gaza. …

Binoy Kampmark (2024-07-14). The Convulsed Republic: The Shooting of Donald Trump. dissidentvoice.org As a nation, the United States, as if we did not already know, is convulsed. Paranoid and divided, giddy with conspiracy and deranged by a fear of totalitarian seizure, hyper partisan and hostile to debate and any loose definition of facts (this condition afflicts the entire political spectrum), the only thing missing so far was …

Yoav Mathov (2024-07-14). How a mutation making some European Jews HIV resistant became really bad news. haaretz.com The same mutation that confers HIV resistance to some Ashkenazi Jews also puts them at higher risk of dying from West Nile fever, which is more prevalent in Israel than in the north European countries from which their ancestors came…

Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report. (2024-07-14). Project 2025 Continues The Historic Racist, Fascist Project. popularresistance.org The right wing counter-revolution has been going on for more than 50 years. The Powell Memo was a 1971 directive from soon-to-be Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell, instructing the US Chamber of Commerce how to defeat the "attack on the American free enterprise system". In other words, how to defeat any leftist or even leftish policies. The Contract with America outlined Newt Gingrich's plan for republican control of congress. These are just two examples of conservative narratives that periodically receive public attention. They are declarations of how the right wing have been working to counter the gains of the…

Pete Dolack (2024-07-14). You Are Not Alone if You Are Out of Work. counterpunch.org Image by Hennie Stander. | We are endlessly and repetitively treated to sermons on the wonders of capitalism. Everybody will be taken care of, with the proviso that you are willing to work. As I have had frequent cause to note, that a line has to be furiously propagated across every channel speaks to a lack of concrete reality. And as more people, especially young people, see that they have declining possibilities, more questioning inevitably arises. | The only thing worse in capitalism to having a job, however unpleasant, is not having a job. Unemployment benefits are barely at starvation rates and end all to…

ecns.cn (2024-07-14). China pilots port e-visa for Shanghai's Lin-gang Special Area. ecns.cn China has launched a port e-visa service in Shanghai for foreigners invited by enterprises at China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Lin-gang Special Area from July 12, according to China's National Immigration Administration.

R.O, (2024-07-14). Class Struggles in Argentine and US Imperialism with Guillermo Kane,Argentinian socialist. indybay.org Guillermo Kane,member of the Partido Obrero(Workers Party) of Argentina,professor at the University of Buenos Aires,will be speaking at Medicine For Nightmares Bookstore in San Francisco on Saturday July 20th,at 7 p.m. at 3036 24th Street San Francisco,CA.

Americans United Separation Church & State (2024-07-14). Saturday 7/20: Unmasking Christian Nationalism as Dangerous to Democracy. indybay.org Online: www.mobilize.us/au/event/627769/

Redacción Perú (2024-07-14). Hungarian Minister: "There will be peace if someone believes in it". pressenza.com "Peace will not come automatically, it will be necessary for someone to build it," said Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, during an appearance on local radio station Kossuth on Friday, referring to the conflict in Ukraine. | From: RT. | Orbán stressed that Hungary, which holds the rotating presidency of the EU, has no authority to initiate talks on behalf of the bloc: "I wouldn't even consider it". However, he mentioned that he could examine the situation to see how far the parties involved are willing to go. | After such an assessment, the leaders of the EU's 27 member states could make an informed decisi…

newleftreview (2024-07-14). Cédric Durand: Landscapes of Capital. newleftreview.org A critical engagement with the work of Brett Christophers, whose books—The New Enclosure, Rentier Capitalism, Our Lives in Their Portfolios and The Price Is Wrong—unfold a novel critique of the 'rentier stage' of contemporary capitalism, in the tradition of radical historical geography developed by Lefebvre, Harvey and Davis.

UMMID (2024-07-14). New Criminal Laws in India: Why They Must be Reviewed and Revised? ummid.com It seems that the BJP has used the opportunity under the cover of colonial baggage to enact more draconian laws that fit well into the ongoing project of Hindu nationalism.

newleftreview (2024-07-14). Sanjay Subrahmanyam: Blood and Bombast. newleftreview.org Sanjay Subrahmanyam on Vinayak Chaturvedi, Hindutva and Violence and Janaki Bakhle, Savarkar and the Making of Hindutva. Intellectual biographies of Hindu nationalism's Mazzini-inspired theoretician.

newleftreview (2024-07-14). Grey Anderson: Imperium Uncloaked. newleftreview.org Grey Anderson on Tom Stevenson, Someone Else's Empire. Lucid anatomization of the American imperium, with a devastating assessment of the UK's equerry role.

Mariana Riscali (2024-07-14). Mariana Riscali (MES/PSOL): The rise of the global far right and the role of the socialist left. links.org.au Mariana Riscali — In confronting the far right, unity is essential among all who oppose the far right and defend democracy. At the same time, we must maintain our political independence and remain true to our program.

Mark Kennedy (2024-07-14). Richard Simmons, a fitness guru who mixed laughs and sweat, dies at 76. whyy.org Richard Simmons, television's hyperactive court jester of physical fitness who built a mini-empire in his trademark tank tops and short shorts by urging the overweight to exercise and eat better, died Saturday. He turned 76 on Friday. | Simmons died at his home in Los Angeles, his publicist Tom Estey said in an email to The Associated Press. He gave no further details. | Los Angeles police and fire departments say they responded to a house — whose address the AP has matched with Simmons through public records — where a man was declared dead from natural causes. | Simmons, who had revealed a skin cance…

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