(2023-06-05). Germany: Long prison sentences for attacking Nazis—a political judgement. wsws.org The court determined that the four defendants had formed a criminal organization that targeted, attacked and injured neo-Nazis.
(2023-06-03). How capitalism drives climate catastrophe. iacenter.org By Maddi Johnson May 17, 2023 Portland, Oregon Since I moved to Oregon, all I've been hearing is: "This weather isn't normal. It's too hot in the summers, too cold in the winters." You hear the same story all across the globe. Every year, everywhere, new weather records are broken. Anecdotes aside, the data is indisputable. Already we've seen historical bread baskets start to fail. Places where crops have been grown for generations are suddenly no longer viable. Whether it's due to freak storms, temperature changes, lack of rain or water sources drying up, farmers are losing their livelihoods. The global economy…
(2023-06-03). Canada is burning. Capitalism stoked the flames. mronline.org Wildfires are tearing through the Canadian province of Alberta, the heart of Canada's lucrative oil and gas industry.
(2023-06-04). Asociación Cubana de las Naciones Unidas denuncia "cacería de brujas" contra artistas e intelectuales cubanos. cubadebate.cu La Asociación Cubana de las Naciones Unidas y sus socios colectivos e individuales denuncian, una vez más, la inmoral e ilegal guerra mediática y cultural que se desarrolla de manera creciente contra los creadores que decidieron apostar por la Patria socialista.
(2023-06-03). Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC): The Weaponization of Money? WHO's Health Tyranny: Towards a Totalitarian World Government? No Way! globalresearch.ca
(2023-06-03). Why do the lambs remain silent? indybay.org James Madison (1751-1836), one of the founding fathers of the constitution, proclaimed that every form of government should be designed "to protect the minority of the opulent against the | majority". Madison tried to solve the tense relationship between the common people and the elites with a "representative democracy", a de-facto oligarchy.
(2023-06-04). WHO: The Reckless Power Grab. Health Tyranny Postponed? globalresearch.ca
(2023-06-03). Covid Related News: The threat is not Russia or China; it's Big Pharma and Big Tech. expose-news.com Below is a collection of articles from the last few days which you may have missed. They detail fears of covid cover-ups, an admission that "zero" healthy young Israelis died from covid, …
(2023-06-03). Hunger Profiteers, Granny Killers and Skin-Deep Morality. globalresearch.ca