Daily Archives: May 31, 2023

2023-05-31: News Headlines

Muhammed Shabeer, People's Dispatch. (2023-05-31). A Regime Of Private Corporations That Is Normalizing Fascism In Italy. popularresistance.org Italy is one of a few countries in the European Union without a legal minimum wage; 21 out of 27 EU countries have instituted minimum wages. In Italy, minimum wages are only determined in collective labor agreements, but these salaries are often very low — around four to six euros per hour. In addition, Italy is the only country in the continent where since 1990, real wages are not growing — they even diminished by 3% in the last 30 years. Thus, one out of 10 people in Italy are working poor, among the youth, this number increases to one out of six. | Already a year ago, Potere al Popolo started a pol…

Muhammed Shabeer (2023-05-30). Giorgia Meloni government is a regime of private corporations that is normalizing fascism. peoplesdispatch.org Maurizio Coppola from Potere al Popolo (Power to the People) talks about his party's campaign for a 10 Euro minimum wage, the Giorgia Meloni government's attack on workers, and the attempt to normalize authoritarianism and fascism…

Lynda Carson (2023-05-31). Banned books or banned author recommendations. indybay.org In Opposition To The Banning Of Books By Dangerous Fascist Right-Wing Extremists:…

WSWS (2023-05-31). Biden-McCarthy austerity debt ceiling bill moves to vote in Congress. wsws.org The Republican Party, led by its fascistic wing, is used to drive the so-called "debate," making the most extreme demands for social cuts and thereby paving the way for the Democrats to agree to somewhat less onerous attacks, while accelerating the process of gutting all of the social gains won by the working class in a century of struggle.

Editor (2023-05-31). Fascists' Convictions Not a Cause for Celebration. scheerpost.com

Joel Wendland-Liu (2023-05-30). 'Novel' and 'news' have the same root: 'A Time Outside This Time' reviewed. peoplesworld.org Sometimes the experience of violence and trauma induces memory loss. As U.S. residents prepare psychologically to relive the lies and trauma of the 2016 Trump campaign and presidency, and the fascistic nightmare of a possible second presidency, a quick visit to the archive of that time is necessary. Novelist Amitava Kumar's A Time Outside This …

infobrics (2023-05-31). Ukrainians might suffer due to Kiev regime's escalating drone attacks on Russia. infobrics.org Russian President Vladimir Putin himself has issued a stark warning to the Neo-Nazi junta: "[The drone attacks] are designed to prompt a reaction from Russia… they provoke mirrored actions. Well, we will see what [we can do] about it."

infobrics (2023-05-30). Moscow might cut all ties with London over UK's rabid Russophobic hostility. infobrics.org There's no indication London will stop escalating, as it's now at the forefront of the initiative to deliver F-16 fighter jets to the Neo-Nazi junta. Moscow is well aware of this and has made efforts to communicate with the UK, but to no avail. London's rabid Russophobia seems to be clouding its judgment, leaving Russia with no other option but to just cut contact.

mforinoco (2023-05-31). The Cultural Looting of Gaza. orinocotribune.com By Miko Peled — May 30, 2023 | There needs to be a particularly high standard of cynicism and cruelty to rob destitute people. In many ways, this is what capitalism is all about. But to use the fact that people are near ruin to exploit them is as cold as it gets. | People in Gaza are confined to living with few resources in what amounts to a prison. They are permitted levels of nutrition and medicine that are just enough to prevent total starvation and disease. This is only because Israel, which controls the piece of land known as the Gaza Strip, does not want disease to spread into its own borders. | EXPLOI…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-05-30). Colonial Legacies and Post-Colonial Realities: Vijay Prashad (Interview). orinocotribune.com In this insightful discussion, Vijay Prashad, a prominent Indian historian and commentator, shared his valuable insights on various subjects, including the role of the Indian diaspora in shaping global perspectives on Indian politics and culture, his motivation to study the intersections of imperialism, capitalism, and globalization, and the enduring effects of colonialism on India and other colonized nations. Through his profound knowledge and expertise, Prashad provided thought-provoking perspectives that shed light on significant historical and contemporary issues. | As the Director of the Tricontinental: Inst…

Editor (2023-05-30). Ralph Nader: Inverted Corporate Capitalism—Blocking Their Owner-Shareholders. scheerpost.com By Ralph Nader / Nader.org It is the season of annual shareholder meetings for giant corporations when CEOs go through the motions of elections for their Board of Directors and approval of other resolutions. People who own stock in General Motors (GM) receive the "GM Meeting Information" in an envelope emblazoned with this disingenuous message: …

Frank Cappello (2023-05-30). üéß MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: The Succession Finale (w/ David Sirota). levernews.com On this week's Movies vs. Capitalism, Rivka and Frank are joined by David Sirota to break down the series finale of HBO's Succession.üéßLISTEN NOW by selecting your podcast player of choice:

A Guest Author (2023-05-31). No Austrian soldiers to Ukraine, not even under the pretext of removing mines! workers.org The organization Self-determination for Austria called for a vigil on June 1 at 5 p.m. local time at the Ballhausplatz in Vienna, issuing this statement. Translation: John Catalinotto. Call for a vigil June 1, 2023, to defend Austrian neutrality. Alexander Van der Bellen is the Austrian president. President Alexander Van . . . |

Sue Bolton (2023-05-31). Councils must show solidarity, stop enabling drag panic. greenleft.org.au Merri-bek Socialist Alliance councillor Sue Bolton argues that councils must not cave in to pressure from the homophobic far-right and cancel LGBTIQ gatherings because that enables "drag panic".

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-05-31). Wednesday 6/7: Feminists Fighting Transphobia. indybay.org New Valencia Hall | 747 Polk St. (at Ellis St.), San Francisco | Seven blocks from Civic Center BART, on or near Muni bus lines #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49…

WSWS (2023-05-31). Oppose the witch-hunting of Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation workers. wsws.org The Socialist Equality Party opposes the victimisation of SLIC workers and stands unconditionally in defense of the jobs and democratic rights of all insurance corporation employees.

WSWS (2023-05-31). "We are exploited all the time": New York City UPS workers speak out as July 31 contract deadline draws closer. wsws.org Last week, UPS workers from Local 804 in New York City spoke with the World Socialist Web Site about the conditions they face in the most expensive city in the world and the struggle ahead.

Staff (2023-05-31). Algunas reflexiones sobre plan y mercado en el modelo socialista cubano (I). cubadebate.cu Uno de los temas más discutidos en torno a la construcción del socialismo se ha referido a lo largo de los años a la permanencia de las relaciones monetario-mercantiles en este proceso y sus consecuencias para la nueva sociedad que se desea desarrollar. La opinión de Marx y Engels sobre el tema partía de considerar la desaparición del mercado en el socialismo.

Staff (2023-05-31). Biden & Republicans Unite Against the Poor and the Environment. soundcloud.com On today's episode Brian Becker and Prof. Richard Wolff discuss how Joe Biden and Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy have unveiled a "debt ceiling" agreement involving major attacks on workers and the environment. The two are now racing to push through Congress a deal that would see stepped up production of fossil fuels, cuts …

Sue Bull (2023-05-30). Socialist set to take Geelong council position, after councillor resigns. greenleft.org.au Socialist Alliance will likely gain another councillor in Victoria if the count back in the City of Greater Geelong proceeds in line with past practice. Sue Bull reports.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-30). Imperialist Hegemony and the Class Struggle in Africa and the Diaspora. libya360.wordpress.com Abayomi Azikiwe Kwame Nkrumah And Haile Selassie Note: The following solidarity statement was prepared and delivered in part to the African Liberation Day program organized by the All-African People's Revolutionary Party, (A-APRP-GC) under the theme "Pan-Africanism: Waging Class Struggle in Africa and the Diaspora, Fighting for the One United Socialist Africa!" on Sat. May 27,…

Sue Bull (2023-05-30). Socialist set to take Geelong council position, after councilllor resigns. greenleft.org.au Socialist Alliance will likely gain another councillor in Victoria if the count back in the City of Greater Geelong proceeds in line with past practice. Sue Bull reports.

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-05-31). Most Propaganda Looks Nothing Like This. orinocotribune.com By Caitlin Johnstone — May 28, 2023 | When most people in the English-speaking world hear the word "propaganda," they tend to think of something that's done by foreign nations who have governments that are so totalitarian they won't even let people know what's true or think for themselves. | Others understand that propaganda is something that happens in their own nation, but think it only happens to other people in other political parties. If they think of themselves as left-leaning they see those to their right as propagandized by right wing media, and if they think of themselves as right-leaning they se…

_____ (2023-05-30). A Multipolar World Is Emerging. strategic-culture.org A new world order is evidently well underway with BRICS and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) nations offering ample alternatives to the hegemonic Collective West. | 'If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — for ever.' This is one of the most famous quotations from George Orwell's 1949 novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four. The words are spoken by O'Brien, the grand inquisitor of the totalitarian regime in Orwell's novel. I don't think there has been any other author more quoted as of recent than George Orwell and his 1984 and Animal Farm (add to the cauldron the quotes by…

Staff (2023-05-31). Biden & Republicans Unite Against the Poor and the Environment. soundcloud.com On today's episode Brian Becker and Prof. Richard Wolff discuss how Joe Biden and Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy have unveiled a "debt ceiling" agreement involving major attacks on workers and the environment. The two are now racing to push through Congress a deal that would see stepped up production of fossil fuels, cuts …

Sue Bull (2023-05-30). Socialist set to take Geelong council position, after councillor resigns. greenleft.org.au Socialist Alliance will likely gain another councillor in Victoria if the count back in the City of Greater Geelong proceeds in line with past practice. Sue Bull reports.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-30). Imperialist Hegemony and the Class Struggle in Africa and the Diaspora. libya360.wordpress.com Abayomi Azikiwe Kwame Nkrumah And Haile Selassie Note: The following solidarity statement was prepared and delivered in part to the African Liberation Day program organized by the All-African People's Revolutionary Party, (A-APRP-GC) under the theme "Pan-Africanism: Waging Class Struggle in Africa and the Diaspora, Fighting for the One United Socialist Africa!" on Sat. May 27,…

Sue Bull (2023-05-30). Socialist set to take Geelong council position, after councilllor resigns. greenleft.org.au Socialist Alliance will likely gain another councillor in Victoria if the count back in the City of Greater Geelong proceeds in line with past practice. Sue Bull reports.

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-05-31). Most Propaganda Looks Nothing Like This. orinocotribune.com By Caitlin Johnstone — May 28, 2023 | When most people in the English-speaking world hear the word "propaganda," they tend to think of something that's done by foreign nations who have governments that are so totalitarian they won't even let people know what's true or think for themselves. | Others understand that propaganda is something that happens in their own nation, but think it only happens to other people in other political parties. If they think of themselves as left-leaning they see those to their right as propagandized by right wing media, and if they think of themselves as right-leaning they se…

_____ (2023-05-30). A Multipolar World Is Emerging. strategic-culture.org A new world order is evidently well underway with BRICS and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) nations offering ample alternatives to the hegemonic Collective West. | 'If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — for ever.' This is one of the most famous quotations from George Orwell's 1949 novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four. The words are spoken by O'Brien, the grand inquisitor of the totalitarian regime in Orwell's novel. I don't think there has been any other author more quoted as of recent than George Orwell and his 1984 and Animal Farm (add to the cauldron the quotes by…

Fight Back News!. (2023-05-31). 300 March For LGBTQ Youth At Louisiana Capitol. popularresistance.org Baton Rouge, Louisiana – On May 27, almost 300 people gathered at the Louisiana State Capitol to protest the attacks on LGBTQ rights. The demonstrators then marched to Governor John Bel Edwards' mansion and listened to several speakers. Protests like this are sweeping the nation as states move to pass anti-LGBTQ legislation. Many of the attendees and speakers were students and young people, who these reactionary bills directly attack. | Protesters demanded that Edwards, a Democrat, veto all anti-LBGTQ legislation. They condemned bills such as "Don't Say Gay" (HB 466), which would ban teachers from discussing gend…

Staff (2023-05-31). Jorge Rodríguez: Far-Right Opposition Exercises Dictatorship at Central University of Venezuela. orinocotribune.com The president of Venezuela's National Assembly (AN), Jorge Rodríguez, referred this Tuesday to the situation that occurred last Friday at the Central University of Venezuela (UCV), when, after 15 years of not holding elections, the electoral process to renew university authorities was suspended again. | During an AN session, Rodríguez described as outrageous the events reported last Friday, when the illegitimate authorities of the UCV decided to sabotage the elections. | This followed statements by the deputy Ricardo Molina, who highlighted the work carried out by the National Electoral Council (CNE) in elections…

Ted Galen Carpenter (2023-05-31). Libertarian Apologists for Ukraine's Authoritarianism. globalresearch.ca

Rainer Mausfeld (2023-05-31). Why do the lambs remain silent? indybay.org James Madison (1751-1836), one of the founding fathers of the constitution, proclaimed that every form of government should be designed "to protect the minority of the opulent against the | majority". Madison tried to solve the tense relationship between the common people and the elites with a "representative democracy", a de-facto oligarchy.

Anonymous834 (2023-05-31). Is This Germany's Way To Repeat Hitler's 'Operation Barbarossa'? southfront.org Written by A report from Carl J. Burckhardt, High Commissioner of the League of Nations, on his meeting with Adolf Hitler on August 11, 1939, quoted Hitler as saying to him, Hitler's 1925 book Mein Kampf

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-05-31). U.S. Empire Named Most Murderous Killing Machine In History. covertactionmagazine.com New study finds U.S. responsible for nearly 300 million deaths—and counting In September, the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation—established by a bipartisan act of Congress in 1993—opened the Victims of Communism Museum in Washington, D.C., which aims to spotlight the plight of the alleged 100 million victims of Communist ideology. The 100 million figure was …

Editor (2023-05-30). The Death Penalty for Homelessness. scheerpost.com By Eve Ottenberg / CounterPunch You can measure the depth of a civilization by how it treats its poor, very young, elderly and mentally ill. By any such metric, ours here in the Exceptional Empire is barbaric. Take New York City mayor Eric Adams and his pronouncements on the homeless destitute. He made a name …

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-05-30). Propaganda Restricts Speech More Than Censorship Does: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix. thealtworld.com Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): | The biggest impediment to free speech is people's belief that they have it. Not censorship. Not refusal to platform critical voices. Not the war on journalism. It's the fact that most people are propagandized into saying what the powerful want them to say, and don't know it. | What makes our dilemma so historically unique is that we live under an empire which makes extensive use of…

Dean Baker (2023-05-30). Homeownership Rate for Moderate-Income Households Hits Highest Level on Record. cepr.net That's what the Census Bureau data for the first quarter of 2023 showed, in a report completely ignored by the media. While NPR was telling us that the homeownership rate reported in the 2020 Census hit its lowest level in half a century (this was the top of the hour news summary, no link), the …

Anonymous103 (2023-05-30). Military Situation In Kosovo On May 30, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org On May 30, Aleksandar Vucic, Serbian President met with Aleksandar Bocan-Kharchenko, Russian Ambassador to Belgrade; | On May 29, 30 NATO peacekeepers including 11 Italian contingent and 19 Hungarian contingent were wounded during unrest in the municipality of Zvecan; | 52 Serbs were wounded, three of them heavily, while one was wounded with two gunshots by Albanian special forces, according to the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic; | Demonstrators staged protests out…

ecns.cn (2023-05-31). AD treatment Dupixent approved for use in China. ecns.cn French pharmaceutical company Sanofi announced on Tuesday that Dupixent, the world's first targeted biological agent for atopic dermatitis (AD) treatment, has been approved by China's National Medical Products Administration.

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