Daily Archives: May 27, 2023

2023-05-27: News Headlines

Staff (2023-05-26). Con Filo: El rostro del fascismo (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Distamos mucho de los odiadores, esos seres enfermos de resentimiento, incapaces del perdón y de la empatía, que han abrazado la causa de la contrarrevolución muchas veces por interés, pero han terminado siendo víctimas de su propia prédica. De ellos y del más reciente episodio de agresión contra el grupo Buena Fe se habló este jueves en Con Filo.

Lynda Carson (2023-05-27). Banned books or banned author recommendations. indybay.org In Opposition To The Banning Of Books By Dangerous Fascist Right-Wing Extremists:…

Suds, Snacks, Socialism Forum Committee (2023-05-27). Saturday 6/3: Attack on Trans People: A Page in the Fascist Playbook. indybay.org Starry Plaugh Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705 | also online…

WSWS (2023-05-27). Russian fascist with ties to leading German neo-Nazis led Ukrainian-backed incursion of Russia. wsws.org The incursion provides an object lesson in the character of the war waged by NATO against Russia.

Jeferson Miola (2023-05-26). Brasil — Asfixiar al gobierno de Lula. globalizacion.ca Una poderosa articulación del establishment actúa cohesivamente en la estrategia de hacer inviable y asfixiante al gobierno de Lula. En este empeño, la oposición de ultraderecha y fascista va de la mano de ciertos partidos de derecha que, sorprendentemente, incluso…

WSWS (2023-05-26). DeSantis joins Republican presidential race, challenging Trump from the right. wsws.org The candidacy of the Florida governor is another step in the shift of the Republican Party towards outright fascist authoritarianism.

WSWS (2023-05-26). Behind Boric's defeat and strengthening of fascists in vote on Chile's constitution. wsws.org The party receiving the most votes was the fascistic Republicans, led by José Antonio Kast, the son of a Nazi German officer and admirer of US president Donald Trump.

WSWS (2023-05-27). Transatlantic: The plight of artists and intellectuals fleeing the Nazis in 1940. wsws.org One of the most remarkable collections of political and cultural figures ever assembled, reduced by the defeats of the working class to a wretched condition, is gathered in Marseille.

WSWS (2023-05-27). Berlin police open criminal investigation aimed at silencing Roger Waters. wsws.org The State Security Department at the Berlin State Criminal Police Office has announced that a criminal investigation has been initiated against Roger Waters for "incitement of hatred" for dressing in a Nazi-like uniform during his recent concerts in the capital city of Germany.

teleSUR (2023-05-26). Peru: Police Find Cocaine Bricks With Nazi Insignia. telesurenglish.net The anti-narcotics authorities of Peru have intercepted a shipment of 58 kg (127 pounds) of cocaine headed to Belgium, which was concealed in packages that bearing the Nazi insignia and imprinted with the name of Germany's wartime leader Hitler. | Related: | According to images disclosed by law enforcement officials on Thursday, the narcotics were concealed within 50 bricks-like packages, with each unit displaying…

CRD (2023-05-27). G7 Protest Against US-led War; Banko Brown's Murder; Turkey's Critical Elections By CRD. indybay.org Pacifica's Capitalism, Race and Democracy on G7 Protest Against US-led War; Banko Brown's Murder & Turkey's Critical Elections By CRD…

Stephan Schulmeister (2023-05-27). Inflation in the Age of Finance Capitalism. indybay.org The shift of profit-striving from the real- to the financial-economy lowered economic growth Unemployment and atypical jobs soared. The welfare state was weakened. At the same time, financial wealth grew exorbitantly (the DAX increased 14-fold since 1988). The development of financial derivatives made possible profiting from short-term changes in stocks, currencies and bonds.

Colin Todhunter (2023-05-26). What Was Covid Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. "Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy"? globalresearch.ca If it was indeed about public health, why close down the bulk of health services and the global economy knowing full well what the implications would be? And why mount a military-style propaganda campaign to censor world-renowned scientists and terrorise entire populations…

Harm Venhuizen (2023-05-26). U.S. capitalism needs more cheap workers; Republicans respond by weakening child labor laws. peoplesworld.org MADISON, Wis. (AP)—Lawmakers in several states are embracing legislation to let children work in more hazardous occupations, for more hours on school nights, and in expanded roles, including serving alcohol in bars and restaurants as young as 14. The efforts to significantly roll back labor rules are largely led by Republican lawmakers to address worker shortages …

Harm Venhuizen (2023-05-26). U.S. capitalism needs more cheap labor; Republicans respond by weakening child labor laws. peoplesworld.org MADISON, Wis. (AP)—Lawmakers in several states are embracing legislation to let children work in more hazardous occupations, for more hours on school nights, and in expanded roles, including serving alcohol in bars and restaurants as young as 14. The efforts to significantly roll back labor rules are largely led by Republican lawmakers to address worker shortages …

Peoples Dispatch (2023-05-26). On African Liberation Day, there is renewed focus on struggle against capitalism and imperialism. peoplesdispatch.org May 25 is African Liberation Day, marking the founding of the Organization of African Unity in 1963. 60 years later, the struggle against colonialism and neo-colonialism is not complete…

Tanupriya Singh (2023-05-26). Unity is an imperative: reclaiming African Liberation Day, 60 years on. peoplesdispatch.org African Liberation Day marks the founding of the Organization of African Unity in 1963. While the idea of 'liberation' has since been removed in letter, and even in spirit, from official commemorations of the day, radical forces have held onto it in their fight against capitalism…

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-05-27). Wednesday 6/7: Feminists Fighting Transphobia. indybay.org New Valencia Hall | 747 Polk St. (at Ellis St.), San Francisco | Seven blocks from Civic Center BART, on or near Muni bus lines #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49…

WSWS (2023-05-27). Video: Stellantis workers at Warren Truck Assembly Plant in Michigan support striking workers at Clarios. wsws.org This week, the World Socialist Web Site spoke to autoworkers at Warren Truck outside of Detroit about the ongoing strike of 525 Clarios workers in Ohio.

Daniel Woo (2023-05-26). Socialist Lalo Vargas announces campaign for CD14 in Los Angeles. liberationnews.org On May 20, in Lincoln Heights, Lalo Vargas, the first openly socialist candidate launched their campaign for Los Angeles City Council District 14 — contesting the seat of disgraced Councilmember Kevin de Leon.

Herman Michiel (2023-05-26). European Parliament to Join the Militarisation Path. socialistproject.ca The European Union is "in urgent war mode,"

WSWS (2023-05-27). Australia: 95-year-old Clare Nowland dies after police tasering. wsws.org Born in 1928, Nowland lived through the Great Depression, World War II and more than three years of the COVID-19 pandemic, but did not survive an encounter with NSW Police.

WSWS (2023-05-27). Jacobin backs Kiliàßdaroƒülu's reactionary campaign in Turkish elections. wsws.org Pseudo-left groups support Kiliàßdaroƒülu for his bitter hostility to the developing movement in the working class and his support for the NATO war on Russia.

WSWS (2023-05-26). Spy agency-instigated anti-China furor within Canada's political establishment intensifies after rapporteur's report. wsws.org The Trudeau government's Special Rapporteur has endorsed the reactionary, pro-war narrative of a Chinese threat to Canadian "democracy." But because he rejected and qualified some of the claims made in illegal intelligence leaks and opposes a public inquiry, he is being pilloried.

Clau O'Brien Moscoso, Black Agenda Report. (2023-05-26). US Troops To Train Peruvian Armed Forces, Proves US Behind Coup. popularresistance.org Amid continuing social upheaval five months after the parliamentary coup against Pedro Castillo, the Peruvian Congress, controlled by the hard right, has approved the entrance of US troops into national territory to train the Peruvian military and National Police beginning June 1st through the end of the year. This comes after the Supreme Court ruled that protest is not a protected right under the 1993 Fujimori dictatorship era constitution. This also comes after a visit from the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Peaceful Assembly and Association Clément Nyaletsossi Voule stated that there was no evidence of…

infobrics (2023-05-26). Same Same, but Different: The Peculiarities of Strategic Relations in the Russia-India-China-USA Quadrangle. infobrics.org The Indo-American strategic partnership is a long-term trend that no one, including Russia, will be able to reverse. Russia needs to realize that the Indian political elites are expanding their contacts with the Americans not because of "pressure from Washington", but because, in their opinion, cooperation with the US is in New Delhi's national interests. At the same time, Moscow has the right to expect from New Delhi a similar attitude towards the Russian-Chinese "relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction of a new era," writes expert Gleb Makarevich, Deputy Head, Centre for the Indian Ocea…

teleSUR (2023-05-26). Guatemalan Elites Behind Arrest of Anti-Corruption Prosecutor. telesurenglish.net On Friday, the Guatemalan security forces arrested Prosecutor Stuardo Campo, who investigated some ministers and judges involved in corruption cases. | RELATED: | While he was being transferred to Guatemala City, the Prosecutor told journalists that his arrest was part of the political persecution that elites are carrying out against him. | Campo was head of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office until April 2021, w…

Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2023-05-26). The US empire and the complicity of intellectuals. indybay.org Interventions have always been dictated by the geopolitical and economic interests of the country. In fact, the United States is no exception to this rule. On the contrary, every empire acts in this way (see, for example, the invasions of Russia by Napoleon and Adolf Hitler). History also shows that imperial interests have often led to the suppression of aspirations for self-determination.

Chris Hedges (2023-05-26). Bidding farewell to the American century. therealnews.com Like Cicero in the Roman Republic, there are always a handful of chroniclers who can see and articulate clearly the social, cultural, and political realities of empires in terminal decline. They call out the bankruptcy of an inept and corrupt ruling class, blinded by hubris, as well as a populace that has checked out of civic life and is entranced by bread and circus spectacles. In his trilogy Blowback, The Sorrows of Empire, and Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic, Chambers Johnson does a masterful job of showing how and why we are disintegrating. So does Andrew Bacevich, who, in his newest boo…

ecns.cn (2023-05-26). U.S. companies, products welcome to enter China through CIIE. ecns.cn More enterprises from the United States are welcome to bring their high-quality products and services to the Chinese market through the sixth China International Import Expo.

Richard Horton (2023-05-27). Comment] Offline: China—what is to be done? thelancet.com Former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss used the word "threat" nine times during her speech in Taiwan last week. She was talking about China. Truss described the Chinese Government as a "tyranny" that sought "to gain power on the global stage". She insisted that western nations must end dialogue with China since the "globalist model" had failed. Instead, she argued, we needed to recognise that China and the West were engaged in "the most consequential struggle of our time", in which western countries must use "hard power" for "meaningful deterrence".

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