Daily Archives: May 22, 2023

2023-05-22: News Headlines

Ejeris Dixon (2023-05-21). Fascism Is Rising, But It Does Not Have to Be Our Future. truthout.org Most organizers are exhausted, striving to balance the impossible load of community crises, family crises and urgent campaigns. Addressing long-term visionary campaign work can feel particularly challenging in these times of increased attacks from the right. Organizers are reeling within a political terrain where the left is working to preserve reproductive justice and bodily autonomy… |

WSWS (2023-05-21). Fascism and big business in Succession's "America Decides" episode. wsws.org The 62-minute episode has an unquestionably unnerving quality. It provides an artistic and accurate depiction of the breakdown of democracy and the lurch toward fascism by the American ruling elite.

Christina A. Cassidy (2023-05-22). What's happening in one Tennessee county with the GOP's fascist faction in charge. peoplesworld.org GALLATIN, Tenn. (AP)—Shortly after being sworn in last fall, the new majority of the Sumner County Commission in Tennessee acted to update one of its official documents. The new version said county operations would not only be orderly and efficient, but "most importantly, reflective of the Judeo-Christian values inherent in the nation's founding." It was …

A Guest Author (2023-05-22). Spanish state accuses web magazine of 'glorification of terrorism'. workers.org The following is a May 20 statement by the Editorial Collective of La Haine, a web news magazine that publishes anti-imperialist, anti-fascist and anti-capitalist articles, calling for solidarity to stop a new attempt by the Spanish authorities to target the collective for its publication of news and opinion. See Lahaine.org. . . . |

Anonymous103 (2023-05-22). In Video: Ukrainian Nazis Shot Civilians Trying To Escape From Burning Basement. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-05-22). War Crime: Ukrainian Azov Fighter Testifies How He Killed Civilian Family In Mariupol. southfront.org

Staff (2023-05-21). 21 May, Basel and 23 May, Zurich: Mohammed Khatib on internationalist struggles for a liberated Palestine. samidoun.net Sunday, 21 May 3 pm Gewerkschaftshaus Rebgasse 1, Basel Tuesday, 23 May 7: 30 pm Volkshaus Stauffacherstrasse 60, Zurich Mohammed Khatib, Europe coordinator of Samidoun, talks about the history of the Palestinian left and the importance of internationalism. We will look back at the struggles of the 1970s and 1980s, try to create a continuity, and …

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2023-05-23). Kshama Sawant Takes Successful Worker-Led Struggle Nationwide. popularresistance.org Roughly ten years ago, Kshama Sawant won a seat on the Seattle City Council as an open socialist. Sawant eschewed politics as usual and led by example, taking only the average worker's salary from her paycheck and putting the remainder into worker-led movements. She used her office as a platform for people's struggles and won many victories from a higher minimum wage, to the Amazon tax to housing rights and more. She also survived a recall election. Clearing the FOG speaks with Sawant about her plans to leave city council when her term ends next year, what she has learned as a councilwoman and the new Workers Str…

Chris Gilbert (2023-05-21). Communal Socialism in Venezuela w/ Chris Gilbert. socialistproject.ca

Anonymous834 (2023-05-23). Eric Zuesse: Suppressed NATO Study Finds U.S. Ranks Low On Democracy. southfront.org Click to see the full-size image | Written by NATO and its supporters and member-nations are hiding the fact that the predominant belief in many of these nations is actually that they're dictatorships that merely pontificate 'democracy' to other nations as an excuse to defeat their targeted-for-conquest nations which they call 'autocracies' or etc. in order to fool the public to 'justify' the…

Liberation Staff (2023-05-22). PSL Editorial — Imperialist G7 summit escalates new Cold War. liberationnews.org The leaders of the most powerful capitalist empires gathered to hold a summit of the "G7" powers over the weekend…

_____ (2023-05-22). Pope Francis Allies With That Zelensky Creep to Wage War on the Civilised World. strategic-culture.org Although the future of the Catholic Church lies in Asia, Latin America and Africa, European resistance to NATO's revamped Empire still has a pivotal role to play. | This article primarily looks at how Pope Francis has traded Europe's rich Catholic heritage for a

_____ (2023-05-22). US Empire of Debt Headed for Collapse. transcend.org 15 May 2023 – To paraphrase Gramsci, the old geopolitical and geoeconomic order is dying and the new one is being born at breakneck speed. It's no wonder "socialism with Chinese characteristics" spooks the Hegemon creditor oligarchy to the point they are even risking a Hot War.

_____ (2023-05-21). Western News Media Exist to Administer Propaganda. strategic-culture.org By Caitlin JOHNSTONE | Typically the only time you'll ever hear the word "propaganda" mentioned in mainstream discourse is in reference to things other countries do to their own citizenry or as part of foreign influence operations, despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of the times we've encountered propaganda in our day to day lives, the call was coming from inside the house. | The western media have been exposing their role as propagandists for the US-centralized empire a bit more than usual lately. Here are a few recent examples. | Mass media aggressively defend imperial propaganda firm Bellingcat.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-05-22). Kerala's Kudumbashree: A model to emancipate women. peoplesdispatch.org Today, 25 years on, the program has been a massive success with a notable rise in women's presence in legislative bodies, as well as a large number of women working in various micro enterprises and agricultural projects.

_____ (2023-05-22). US Empire of Debt Headed for Collapse. transcend.org 15 May 2023 – To paraphrase Gramsci, the old geopolitical and geoeconomic order is dying and the new one is being born at breakneck speed. It's no wonder "socialism with Chinese characteristics" spooks the Hegemon creditor oligarchy to the point they are even risking a Hot War.

_____ (2023-05-21). Western News Media Exist to Administer Propaganda. strategic-culture.org By Caitlin JOHNSTONE | Typically the only time you'll ever hear the word "propaganda" mentioned in mainstream discourse is in reference to things other countries do to their own citizenry or as part of foreign influence operations, despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of the times we've encountered propaganda in our day to day lives, the call was coming from inside the house. | The western media have been exposing their role as propagandists for the US-centralized empire a bit more than usual lately. Here are a few recent examples. | Mass media aggressively defend imperial propaganda firm Bellingcat.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-05-22). Kerala's Kudumbashree: A model to emancipate women. peoplesdispatch.org Today, 25 years on, the program has been a massive success with a notable rise in women's presence in legislative bodies, as well as a large number of women working in various micro enterprises and agricultural projects.

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