2023-05-20: News Headlines

Ajamu Baraka, Black Agenda Report. (2023-05-21). Durham Report Reveals The Real Threat To 'Democracy'. popularresistance.org Six years and millions of dollars later, the "Durham report" released on May 15th confirmed once again what a few of us had the nerve to argue before all of the reports and stories that subsequently emerged — that "Russiagate" was the most massive fraud ever perpetrated on the U.S. public by a section of the capitalist rulers and represented a maturing of a form of U.S. neofascism unique to this historical moment. | The public may have forgotten that during the Trump Administration U.S. Attorney General Bob Barr assigned John H. Durham as special counsel to review the FBI's counterintelligence investigation…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-05-20). Cuban Music Band Buena Fe Forced to Cancel Concerts in Spain Due to Threats by Anti-Cuba Fascists. orinocotribune.com The popular Cuban music band Buena Fe was forced to cancel two of its concerts in Spain after the owners of the concert venues received threats from anti-Cuba fascists. | "We are sad to announce that the concerts in Salamanca and Zamora have been suspended," the Cuban music duo announced on its Facebook page. "Under the pretext of defending democracy, fascist harassment and threats have been unleashed against the owners of the venues, and those threats have been more powerful than the songs. A thousand apologies to those who had purchased tickets." | Buena Fe is on tour in Spain to promote its new album Morada,…

WSWS (2023-05-19). Italy hit by worst floods in a century. wsws.org The catastrophe is the latest in a spree of natural disasters in Italy now being made a regular fact of life by capitalism-driven climate change.

WSWS (2023-05-20). G7 leaders gather in Hiroshima amid rising threat of nuclear war. wsws.org Far from pledging never to use nuclear weapons again, the imperialist cabal is accelerating the NATO conflict against Russia in Ukraine and the US-led war drive against China, which threaten to plunge the world into a nuclear holocaust.

Pepe Escobar (2023-05-20). Pepe Escobar: US Empire of Debt Headed for Collapse. orinocotribune.com By Pepe Escobar — May 15, 2023 | Prof. Michael Hudson's new book, The Collapse of Antiquity: Greece and Rome as Civilization's Oligarchic Turning Point" is a seminal event in this Year of Living Dangerously when, to paraphrase Gramsci, the old geopolitical and geoeconomic order is dying and the new one is being born at breakneck speed. | Prof. Hudson's main thesis is absolutely devastating: he sets out to prove that economic/financial practices in Ancient Greece and Rome — the pillars of Western Civilization — set the stage for what is happening today right in front of our eyes: an empire redu…

Lowkey (2023-05-19). The Inevitable De-Dollarization of the Global Economy, with Ben Norton. mintpressnews.com Ben Norton returns to the Watchdog to shed light on the rapid decline of the U.S. dollar and its implications for American empire as countries worldwide shift away from the dollar in favor of regional currencies and China's rise challenges Washington's global dominance.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-05-20). Nucleus RadioPharma to open manufacturing facility in Rochester, Minnesota. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Facility aims to manufacture next generation of radiopharmaceuticals ROCHESTER, Minn. — Nucleus RadioPharma, a radiopharmaceutical company founded by Eclipse and Mayo Clinic, announced today it has received approval from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) for its economic incentive request to support a facility in Rochester. The facility will be based in the Two Discovery Square building within Destination Medical Center's Discovery Square District. Nucleus was established to address the acute manufacturing…

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