2023-05-17: News Headlines

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-05-16). Thousands of Muslims in India's Kerala Protest Rising Islamophobia, Hindu Fascism. orinocotribune.com Thousands of Muslims in India's southern state of Kerala have rallied to protest growing Islamophobia and violence against Muslims across the country amid rising Hindu nationalism. | Protesters chanted slogans against Hindutva fascism, a right-wing political ideology based on Hindu nationalism aimed at establishing India as a Hindu nation — rather than a secular state, as well as growing Islamophobia, media outlets in the country reported Monday. | According to the reports, the peaceful protest rally on Saturday was organized by the Kerala Muslim Jama-ath Federation (KMJF) to mark its 40th anniversary in th…

thecommunists (2023-05-16). Caleb Maupin and Harpal Brar: Soviet Union defeating fascism. thecommunists.org In this discussion on the Soviet victory over fascism in WW2, Harpal Brar begins by dismissing the most common (and patently absurd) myths surrounding the beginning of the war: in particular, the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact — sometimes (outrageously) called the 'Hitler-Stalin pact' — which has so tainted the bourgeois narative of modern history. See also our …

Anonymous Contributor (2023-05-16). Proud Boys Plan Unsuccessful Trap for Antifascists In the Inland Empire. itsgoingdown.org Report from the Inland Empire, in southern California about antifascists taking action against the Proud Boys. On Friday May 12th, in the Inland Empire, (southern California, for those unfamiliar), local Proud Boys escalated their tactics significantly. The last several months they have been doing banner drops about once a month at freeway overpasses and have…

Manlio Dinucci (2023-05-16). Perché vogliono cancellare l'Anniversario della Vittoria sul Nazismo — 20230512 — Pangea Grandangolo. globalresearch.ca àà in corso, a livello internazionale, una grande operazione politico-mediatica per cancellare l'Anniversario della Vittoria sul nazismo. Il discorso del Presidente Putin alla parata militare del 9 Maggio a Mosca, per il 78 ∞ Anniversario della Vittoria, è stato presentato in …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-16). "Independent" Ukrainian "Kill List": Run by Nazi Junta, Backed by NATO and Washington. libya360.wordpress.com David Miller Late last year, my name was added to a blacklist published online by the Ukraine Center for Countering Disinformation. I joined over ninety others deemed to be "speakers who promote narratives consonant with Russian propaganda." These included Manuel Pineda and Clare Daly, both leftist Members of the European Parliament (MEP); Also counted are people…

Staff (2023-05-16). A Neo-Nazi Working in Congress: Aide to Rep. Gosar Pledged Loyalty to White Supremacist Nick Fuentes. democracynow.org We look at a newly confirmed direct connection between a white supremacist leader and a staffer for one of Trump's staunchest supporters in Congress. The digital director for right-wing Arizona Congressmember Paul Gosar has been revealed as a prominent follower of neo-Nazi online influencer Nick Fuentes. Gosar himself is linked to organizers of the January 6 insurrection and was censured for posting an animated video on social media where he murdered Congressmember Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and attacked President Biden. We speak with Talking Points Memo reporter Hunter Walker about his exclusive report, whic…

Amy Goodman (2023-05-16). Rep. Paul Gosar's Aide Pledged Loyalty to White Supremacist Nick Fuentes. truthout.org We look at a newly confirmed direct connection between a white supremacist leader and a staffer for one of Trump's staunchest supporters in Congress. The digital director for right-wing Arizona Congressmember Paul Gosar has been revealed as a prominent follower of neo-Nazi online influencer Nick Fuentes. Gosar himself is linked to organizers of the January 6 insurrection and was censured for… |

Frank Cappello (2023-05-16). üéß MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: You've Got Mail (w/ Robin Johnson). levernews.com

Matt Hancock, Low Impact. (2023-05-16). Why Is The Co-Operative Movement So Successful In Emilia Romagna? popularresistance.org In a region of 5 million people, there are 4000 co-operative businesses, that employ 250,000 people — just under a quarter of the entire workforce. The co-op movement in ER goes back to the mid 19th century, with roots in the workers' mutual aid societies, and many of the early ones are still strong today. It wasn't a reaction to capitalism. The co-op movement developed alongside capitalism. | There's an entrepreneurial spirit, but also a propensity to do things together — creating associations, unions, co-ops, credit unions etc. There's joint purchasing and lobbying, collective bargaining etc. There'

Ana Perdigón (2023-05-16). Cabello Reminds Opposition that CNE Is Venezuela's Electoral Institution. orinocotribune.com The vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, confirmed that the National Electoral Council (CNE) is the organization responsible for elections in Venezuela. | During a press conference, Cabello spoke about statements by opposition leaders who say they do not want the CNE to participate in the primary elections of the opposition. | "With the CNE, it will be known how many participated," said Cabello. "They will be exposed. T…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-16). A Fraternal Hand: The American Tradition of Socialist Democracy and Chinese Socialism. libya360.wordpress.com Carlos L. Garrido There is a glaring paradox at the core of the American project. On the one hand, it proclaims its national self-determination with the values of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, right to revolution, and to a government of, by, and for the people. On the other hand, the rights to life, liberty,…

WSWS (2023-05-16). Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, backed by DSA, takes office, pledging to "work together" with political establishment. wsws.org Under conditions of an escalating social crisis, the longtime Democratic Party official, backed by the union apparatus and the Democratic Socialists of America, is being brought forward in an effort to contain and suppress the class struggle in the country's third-largest city.

WSWS (2023-05-16). IYSSE holds successful anti-war meetings in Munich, Bochum and Frankfurt. wsws.org Under the title "The war in Ukraine and how to stop it," the IYSSE shed light on the historical, economic and political causes of the war and an international socialist strategy to end it.

F. William Engdahl (2023-05-16). Why China Can't Pull the World Out of a New Great Depression. globalresearch.ca

Dennis Broe (2023-05-16). The global crime novel: Worldwide corruption and chiseling. peoplesworld.org In a 1931 Warner Brothers film Blonde Crazy, in the pre-code period when expression was raunchier and more truthful before the era of middle-class censorship, as the Depression reaches its peak, conniving bellhop James Cagney is trying to convince new hotel hire Joan Blondell to go on the road with him and work a hustle …

Kim Petersen (2023-05-16). Exceptionism in US Empire. dissidentvoice.org [S]uffice it to state that the US Guardian Elite are very much of and for the overworld of private wealth. Since the end of World War II, the US Guardian Elite have functioned most decisively as executors of dark power. — Aaron Good, American Exception, p 107 Aaron Good, who received his PhD in political …

Prabir Purkayastha (2023-05-16). Charles III coronation reminds of Britain's bloody history of genocide, slavery, and loot. mronline.org The coronation ceremony and centuries of plunder by the British Empire cannot be seen in isolation.

Global Research News (2023-05-16). Selected Articles: This War Is the Big One: "The Objective Is to Destroy Russia and the Russian Empire" globalresearch.ca By Every uncompromised world politician and citizen of the world, who against great odds, have kept themselves informed …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-05-17). Nucleus RadioPharma to open manufacturing facility in Rochester, Minnesota. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Facility aims to manufacture next generation of radiopharmaceuticals ROCHESTER, Minn. — Nucleus RadioPharma, a radiopharmaceutical company founded by Eclipse and Mayo Clinic, announced today it has received approval from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) for its economic incentive request to support a facility in Rochester. The facility will be based in the Two Discovery Square building within Destination Medical Center's Discovery Square District. Nucleus was established to address the acute manufacturing…

ecns.cn (2023-05-16). First domestic mRNA COVID vaccine delivered. ecns.cn An elderly man in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province, received a booster shot of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine on Saturday. It was the first dose of the domestically developed COVID-19 vaccine based on messenger RNA technology to be delivered, according to its maker, CSPC Pharmaceutical Group.

Tamar Sarai (2023-05-16). Profiteers of Holmesburg Prison's Medical Experiments Have Yet to Redress Harm. truthout.org A crowd of students, professors, and community members gathered in a packed room at St. Joseph's University on April 26 to hear about "Philadelphia's lasting shame" from the people who are still living under the pain of it. That shame — the horrific medical experiments conducted by dermatologist Dr. Albert Kligman in Pennsylvania's Holmesburg Prison for more than 20 years beginning in the 1950s… |

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