Daily Archives: May 12, 2023

2023-05-12: News Headlines

WSWS (2023-05-12). Ninety years since the Nazi book burnings. wsws.org The anniversary of the book burnings must be a warning to workers and youth worldwide. Today the same contradictions are developing that led to barbarism in the 20th century. The danger of fascism and world war is back.

_____ (2023-05-12). Nazi Germany's Defeat… But a Pause for Fascism as NATO's Proxy War in Ukraine Demonstrates. strategic-culture.org Nazi Germany's defeat in 1945 has proven to be only a pause in a longer historical struggle against fascism. We are seeing that struggle playing out in Ukraine, and with Washington's madcap psychopathic aggression toward Russia. | This week marked the 78th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany in May 1945. While the evil Third Reich was vanquished, a deeper monster had not been slain. Nazi Germany was only one version of Western imperialist fascism, a force that reemerged postwar in full strength in the form of the United States of America and its various Western clients. | It is not hyperbole to describe Wa…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-11). The Arrest of Imran Khan: The Naked Face of Fascism in Pakistan. libya360.wordpress.com Aasma Wadud Imran Khan's popularity skyrocketed after the regime change, and now he is considered Pakistan's most loved, embraced, and acknowledged leader After the forced regime change has been rough for Imran Khan, PTI's leaders, voters, supporters, journalists, social media activists, and the general public, the PDM government came to power with a fascist mindset…

WSWS (2023-05-12). At CNN Town Hall, Trump defends January 6 coup, repeats election lies. wsws.org The ex-president rehashed false claims of a "rigged election" while pledging to pardon the fascist thugs who attacked the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Richard Becker (2023-05-12). Israel at 75: Fascist, apartheid and genocidal watchdog for US imperialism. liberationnews.org All people who believe in justice need to join in solidarity with the heroic and long-suffering Palestinian people.

WSWS (2023-05-12). May 8 and the rehabilitation of Nazism in Germany. wsws.org At least 13 million Soviet soldiers and 14 million civilians lost their lives in the war. But at the Berlin commemorative events this year, the displaying of the Soviet flag was forbidden.

ecns.cn (2023-05-12). Around 2,000 Nazi badges seized at Guangzhou airport. ecns.cn A total of 1,881 Nazi badges in a courier were intercepted by Guangzhou Customs before they were shipped overseas through the airport of Guangzhou, Guangdong province, recently.

Robert Reich (2023-05-11). Why a new progressive era in America is likely—in about 20 years. nationofchange.org All these trends point to a new progressive America.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-05-12). Parlamento portugués despenaliza la eutanasia. telesurtv.net La normativa se aprobó por 129 votos a favor y 81 en contra. Esta fue respaldada por los socialistas, con mayoría absoluta en la Cámara.

Fight Back (2023-05-11). FRSO Spring Fund Drive hits $35,000, more success ahead. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN — The Freedom Road Socialist Organization Spring Fund Drive hit the $35,000 mark May 11, with more money coming in daily. The fund drive aims at raising $130,000, allowing for an expansion of our national office, more publications and putting more full-time organizers in the field. | The fund drive comes at time when FRSO is experiencing a period of rapid expansion, which includes establishing many new local organizations. | Mick Kelly, the political secretary of FRSO states, "We are building a large, nationwide organization that is capable of building large-scale struggles. We are buildin…

Julie Varughese (2023-05-11). First Public Comments After African People's Socialist Party Members Indicted for Colluding with Russia. towardfreedom.org The "Uhuru 3," three of the four U.S.-based defendants—who are members of the African People's Socialist Party—spoke out for the first time since U.S. government indictments dropped last month that accuse them of trying to work with Russia to sow social discord in the United States. TF editor Julie Varughese reports.

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-05-12). You Don't Have To Choose Between Happiness And Being Informed. thealtworld.com Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): | I write about some dark, dark things in this space, and it's common to receive expressions of despair in response to the subjects I focus on. | This is perfectly understandable. Not only is our world hurtling toward nuclear armageddon and environmental collapse while surging authoritarianism threatens our ability to even talk about these things with each other, but most people are completely oblivious to it all. Even relatively politically engaged people tend to believe society's biggest problems are things like sexism or drag shows, and they genera…

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-05-11). Episode with Sina from East is a Podcast. podcasters.spotify.com In this episode me and Sina speak about a range of topics beginning with Sina's feelings waking up every morning to check his phone and see "what unspeakable crimes the Empire has committed today", along with growing up as he called himself, "a citizen subject" of the US Empire, as many immigrants or simply non-white people have to deal with. | We also touch on some of the shifting energies between the multiple growing and declining hegemons, the ignorance of the West as regards China, Iran, Taiwan, Palestine, Israel, Syria and other nations, the NATO war on Russia, and many other things! | For more from Sina, ch…

Dana Sanchez (2023-05-11). Bailing Out A Friend: Judge Says Block's $306M Purchase Of Jay-Z's Tidal Was A Terrible Business Decision. moguldom.com A Delaware judge has dismissed a shareholder lawsuit against Jack Dorsey's digital payments company Block Inc. over its 2021 acquisition of hip-hop artist Jay-Z's majority ownership in the music streaming service Tidal, saying it seemed a "terrible business decision" but was "made in good faith." A pension fund shareholder alleged that Block founder and CEO …

Jake Johnson (2023-05-12). Senate investigation shows how GOP law enabled Big Pharma's 'extreme' tax avoidance. nationofchange.org "Big Pharma gets us coming and going—they charge Americans sky-high prices and they pay absolute rock-bottom taxes, not anywhere near a fair share."

Kenny Stancil (2023-05-11). Sanders Pins Deaths Caused by Insulin Price Gouging on Big Pharma CEOs. truthout.org Sen. Bernie Sanders on Wednesday paid his respects to the victims of insulin price gouging in front of the Big Pharma CEOs who are responsible and reiterated the need to make all lifesaving prescription drugs affordable. Sanders (I-Vt.), chair of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), opened the panel's hearing by acknowledging "the many Americans who have… |

Paul Webster (2023-05-13). World Report] Canadian drug cost reforms collapse. thelancet.com Several members of Canada's pharmaceutical price review board have resigned amid allegations of industry interference. Paul Webster reports.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-05-12). Nucleus RadioPharma to open manufacturing facility in Rochester, Minnesota. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Facility aims to manufacture next generation of radiopharmaceuticals ROCHESTER, Minn. — Nucleus RadioPharma, a radiopharmaceutical company founded by Eclipse and Mayo Clinic, announced today it has received approval from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) for its economic incentive request to support a facility in Rochester. The facility will be based in the Two Discovery Square building within Destination Medical Center's Discovery Square District. Nucleus was established to address the acute manufacturing…

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-05-11). Episode with Sina from East is a Podcast. podcasters.spotify.com In this episode me and Sina speak about a range of topics beginning with Sina's feelings waking up every morning to check his phone and see "what unspeakable crimes the Empire has committed today", along with growing up as he called himself, "a citizen subject" of the US Empire, as many immigrants or simply non-white people have to deal with. | We also touch on some of the shifting energies between the multiple growing and declining hegemons, the ignorance of the West as regards China, Iran, Taiwan, Palestine, Israel, Syria and other nations, the NATO war on Russia, and many other things! | For more from Sina, ch…

Dana Sanchez (2023-05-11). Bailing Out A Friend: Judge Says Block's $306M Purchase Of Jay-Z's Tidal Was A Terrible Business Decision. moguldom.com A Delaware judge has dismissed a shareholder lawsuit against Jack Dorsey's digital payments company Block Inc. over its 2021 acquisition of hip-hop artist Jay-Z's majority ownership in the music streaming service Tidal, saying it seemed a "terrible business decision" but was "made in good faith." A pension fund shareholder alleged that Block founder and CEO …

Jake Johnson (2023-05-12). Senate investigation shows how GOP law enabled Big Pharma's 'extreme' tax avoidance. nationofchange.org "Big Pharma gets us coming and going—they charge Americans sky-high prices and they pay absolute rock-bottom taxes, not anywhere near a fair share."

Kenny Stancil (2023-05-11). Sanders Pins Deaths Caused by Insulin Price Gouging on Big Pharma CEOs. truthout.org Sen. Bernie Sanders on Wednesday paid his respects to the victims of insulin price gouging in front of the Big Pharma CEOs who are responsible and reiterated the need to make all lifesaving prescription drugs affordable. Sanders (I-Vt.), chair of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), opened the panel's hearing by acknowledging "the many Americans who have… |

Paul Webster (2023-05-13). World Report] Canadian drug cost reforms collapse. thelancet.com Several members of Canada's pharmaceutical price review board have resigned amid allegations of industry interference. Paul Webster reports.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-05-12). Nucleus RadioPharma to open manufacturing facility in Rochester, Minnesota. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Facility aims to manufacture next generation of radiopharmaceuticals ROCHESTER, Minn. — Nucleus RadioPharma, a radiopharmaceutical company founded by Eclipse and Mayo Clinic, announced today it has received approval from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) for its economic incentive request to support a facility in Rochester. The facility will be based in the Two Discovery Square building within Destination Medical Center's Discovery Square District. Nucleus was established to address the acute manufacturing…

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