Daily Archives: May 10, 2023

2023-05-10: News Headlines

Jorge Majfud (2023-05-10). Fascismo, narcisismo colectivo y el miedo a la libertad. globalizacion.ca Las investigaciones psicológicas sobre narcisismo en las últimas generaciones no han llegado a una conclusión clara. Tal vez porque todas, aunque buscan entender un fenómeno colectivo, se centran en el estudio de individuos. | La discusión es menos ambigua cuando, por…

unitedEditor (2023-05-10). Lessons for today from the victory over fascism. unitedworldint.com The U.S. replaced Nazi Germany Today, American presidents have taken on Hitler's aggression. Nazi Germany has been replaced by the US. Just like Nazi Germany, the US uses all kinds of oppression and violence methods to establish its hegemony over the entire world and its basic motto is "If you are not with us, you …

Matthew Ehret (2023-05-09). The Anglo-American Hand Behind the Rise of Fascism Then and Now. thelastamericanvagabond.com This May 9th, the world will celebrate Victory Day. For those who have not closed their eyes to the integration of leading unreconstructed Nazis, Italian Fascist, and Japanese fascists into the Anglo-American intelligence complex after World War Two this celebration is bitter sweet to say the least. In West Germany, the head of Nazi intelligence,

CJ Baker (2023-05-10). Protest Song Of The Week: 'I Know How It Feels' By Dropkick Murphys. shadowproof.com Originally published at Ongoing History of Protest Music Armed with his weapon of choice, a guitar with the words "This Machine Kills Fascists" painted on it, Woody Guthrie was a pivotal contributor to the canon of protest tunes. He composed nearly 3,000 songs, many of which remained unpublished. This has…

NYC Anarchist Black Cross (2023-05-09). Anarchist Political Prisoner Dan Baker Needs Support! itsgoingdown.org Call from New York City Anarchist Black Cross (NYC-ABC) to support anarchist and antifascist prisoner Daniel Baker. Daniel Baker is an anti-fascist activist who was arrested on January 15, 2021 for social media posts that called for defense against possible far-right attacks in the wake of the January 6th riots. Daniel was facing up to…

Jenny Farrell (2023-05-09). First they burned books, then people: Lessons of the Nazis' 1933 book blaze. peoplesworld.org How can memorials powerfully remind us of past horrors? How can they keep the atrocities of the past alive and relevant? "The Empty Library," Micha Ullmann's Berlin memorial commemorating the fascist book blaze—when on May 10, 1933, some 20,000 works by a great number of German and international authors were devoured by the flames before …

Zach D. Roberts (2023-05-10). How the Texas Shooter's RWDS Patch Became a Meme. progressive.org I've been photographing the far right's insignia since 2017's Unite the Right rally. It's not surprising that the latest neo-Nazi mass shooter wore a common symbol of rightwing hate.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-05-10). Communists across Europe mark 78th anniversary of Soviet victory over Nazi Germany. peoplesdispatch.org Soviet red flags were raised in Victory Day celebrations across Europe, despite a ban on the display of Soviet and Russian flags in several countries including Germany…

WSWS (2023-05-10). Texas police confirm Allen Mall shooter was neo-Nazi. wsws.org While the capitalist politicians have no response or solutions to massacres committed by Nazis, both Republicans and Democrats boasted of their efforts to militarize the US-Mexico border.

Jay Janson (2023-05-10). No WWII No Victory Parade in Moscow and No War in Ukraine Today If the West Had Not Rearmed Germany! dissidentvoice.org May 9! Moscow Celebrates Victory Over Nazi Germany's Invasion, but with incomprehensibly little or no public condemnation of American corporations having earlier heavily rearmed Hitler's Nazi Germany as British and French armies stood down in cooperation and in violation of the Versailles Treaty's prohibition of German rearmament. With the world of the plundering Colonial Powers …

JANET (2023-05-10). What anti-imperialists should know about the war in Ukraine. iacenter.org By Otis Grotewohl May 8, 2023 May 7 — It's been nearly 15 months since the start of the Feb. 24, 2022, Russian military intervention in Ukraine, which was provoked by decades of U.S./NATO expansion eastward. The Biden administration has given the Ukrainian puppet government billions of dollars in military aid, and many people are scratching their heads, wondering why? New York City, Jan. 14, protest targets imperialists in the Ukraine war. Credit: Brenda Ryan Ukraine's current government is a product of a NATO-backed coup, carried out in 2014 with pro-Nazi participation, which was also referred to as the Ma…

Editor (2023-05-09). Russian & Soviet Flags Banned at Berlin Victory Day. scheerpost.com A court in Berlin has outlawed the display of the Russian and Soviet flags on May 8 and 9 celebrations of victory over Nazi Germany because they can "convey a readiness for violence."

Staff (2023-05-09). Phyllis Bennis on Ukraine War & Why a Ceasefire Is the First Step Toward Lasting Peace. democracynow.org As Russia marks the Soviet Union's defeat of the Nazis 78 years ago, Ukraine is preparing to launch a major counteroffensive, which has forced Moscow to issue an evacuation order for thousands of residents in areas occupied by Russian forces. Meanwhile, international actors are calling for negotiations, possibly brokered by China or Brazil, to end the war. For more on the prognosis for peace in Ukraine, we're joined by Phyllis Bennis, author and a fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies.

Staff (2023-05-09). Headlines for May 9, 2023. democracynow.org Israel Bombs Gaza Strip, Killing 13 People, Including Children, Putin Delivers Defiant "Victory Day" Speech as Russia Fires Missiles Across Ukraine, Sudan's Warring Parties Hold Peace Talks in Saudi Arabia But Won't Agree to Ceasefire, Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested in Islamabad, Tens of Thousands March Against Gun Violence in Serbia After Two Mass Shootings, Texas Gunman Was Rejected from Army, Had Nazi Tattoos But Purchased AR-15 Legally, Texas Man Who Rammed SUV Into Migrants Charged with Eight Counts of Manslaughter, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Deploys "Tactical Bo…

Kit Klarenberg (2023-05-09). Neo-Nazi terror threat grows as Ukraine fighters jailed in France. thegrayzone.com The arrest of two heavily armed French neo-Nazis returning from Ukraine highlights a looming problem for NATO states sponsoring the proxy war, and their conspiracy of silence on the nature of the threat. On April 24th 2023, two French neo-Nazis were jailed for 15 months, nine of which were suspended, for possessing assault rifle ammunition. The pair had returned to Paris from Ukraine two days earlier, and were arrested at customs. Both were on the radar of French domestic spying …

Amy Goodman (2023-05-09). A Ceasefire Is Immediately Needed to Reduce Escalating War in Ukraine. truthout.org As Russia marks the Soviet Union's defeat of the Nazis 78 years ago, Ukraine is preparing to launch a major counteroffensive, which has forced Moscow to issue an evacuation order for thousands of residents in areas occupied by Russian forces. Meanwhile, international actors are calling for negotiations, possibly brokered by China or Brazil, to end the war. For more on the prognosis for peace in… |

WSWS (2023-05-10). Turkish elections: Morenoites rally behind Kƒ±lƒ±àßdaroƒülu, HDP and Stalinist Tƒ∞P. wsws.org The Morenoites have lined up behind the main bourgeois opposition alliance through an alliance with Stalinism and Kurdish nationalism.

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-05-10). Robin D.G. Kelley: Understanding police violence through racial capitalism. therealnews.com In 2001, Cincinnati police killed a 19-year-old Black man named Timothy Thomas, sparking an uprising that shook the city for four days. 19 years later, in the city of Minneapolis, local police officers killed George Floyd over an alleged counterfeit bill, catalyzing a nationwide rebellion. Much of the discourse surrounding racist police killings have focused on perceived flaws within the institution of policing itself, but explanations for the consistency and pervasiveness of police violence cannot be found within police departments alone. Police operate within a system of race and class-based segregation,…

Staff (2023-05-09). Phyllis Bennis on Ukraine War & Why a Ceasefire Is the First Step Toward Lasting Peace. democracynow.org As Russia marks the Soviet Union's defeat of the Nazis 78 years ago, Ukraine is preparing to launch a major counteroffensive, which has forced Moscow to issue an evacuation order for thousands of residents in areas occupied by Russian forces. Meanwhile, international actors are calling for negotiations, possibly brokered by China or Brazil, to end the war. For more on the prognosis for peace in Ukraine, we're joined by Phyllis Bennis, author and a fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies.

Staff (2023-05-09). Headlines for May 9, 2023. democracynow.org Israel Bombs Gaza Strip, Killing 13 People, Including Children, Putin Delivers Defiant "Victory Day" Speech as Russia Fires Missiles Across Ukraine, Sudan's Warring Parties Hold Peace Talks in Saudi Arabia But Won't Agree to Ceasefire, Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested in Islamabad, Tens of Thousands March Against Gun Violence in Serbia After Two Mass Shootings, Texas Gunman Was Rejected from Army, Had Nazi Tattoos But Purchased AR-15 Legally, Texas Man Who Rammed SUV Into Migrants Charged with Eight Counts of Manslaughter, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Deploys "Tactical Bo…

Kit Klarenberg (2023-05-09). Neo-Nazi terror threat grows as Ukraine fighters jailed in France. thegrayzone.com The arrest of two heavily armed French neo-Nazis returning from Ukraine highlights a looming problem for NATO states sponsoring the proxy war, and their conspiracy of silence on the nature of the threat. On April 24th 2023, two French neo-Nazis were jailed for 15 months, nine of which were suspended, for possessing assault rifle ammunition. The pair had returned to Paris from Ukraine two days earlier, and were arrested at customs. Both were on the radar of French domestic spying …

Amy Goodman (2023-05-09). A Ceasefire Is Immediately Needed to Reduce Escalating War in Ukraine. truthout.org As Russia marks the Soviet Union's defeat of the Nazis 78 years ago, Ukraine is preparing to launch a major counteroffensive, which has forced Moscow to issue an evacuation order for thousands of residents in areas occupied by Russian forces. Meanwhile, international actors are calling for negotiations, possibly brokered by China or Brazil, to end the war. For more on the prognosis for peace in… |

WSWS (2023-05-10). Turkish elections: Morenoites rally behind Kƒ±lƒ±àßdaroƒülu, HDP and Stalinist Tƒ∞P. wsws.org The Morenoites have lined up behind the main bourgeois opposition alliance through an alliance with Stalinism and Kurdish nationalism.

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-05-10). Robin D.G. Kelley: Understanding police violence through racial capitalism. therealnews.com In 2001, Cincinnati police killed a 19-year-old Black man named Timothy Thomas, sparking an uprising that shook the city for four days. 19 years later, in the city of Minneapolis, local police officers killed George Floyd over an alleged counterfeit bill, catalyzing a nationwide rebellion. Much of the discourse surrounding racist police killings have focused on perceived flaws within the institution of policing itself, but explanations for the consistency and pervasiveness of police violence cannot be found within police departments alone. Police operate within a system of race and class-based segregation,…

Frank Cappello (2023-05-09). üéß MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: V for Vendetta (w/ Evan from LOTP). levernews.com

Ajamu Baraka (2023-05-09). Africans in the U.S. are a colonized people: A comment on the indictment of the African People's Socialist Party. mronline.org Red Scares, McCarthyism, COINTELPRO, "Black Identity Extremists" are all indicative of how the colonized are treated by the state.

Adam Theron-Lee Rensch (2023-05-09). No Politics But Class Politics: Class, Identity, Inequality. socialistproject.ca In his recent book, Poverty, by America, Matthew Desmond writes, "Poverty might consume your life, but it's rarely embraced as an identity. It's more socially acceptable today to disclose a mental illness than to tell someone you're broke."

jamanetwork (2023-05-09). Study: No More Than 6 Teaspoons of Added Sugar per Day. jamanetwork.com Moderate-quality evidence has tied high intake of sugars, particularly those containing fructose, with a range of poor outcomes, such as obesity in children, coronary heart disease, and depression, according to an umbrella review of 73 meta-analyses that included 8601 studies, a majority of which were observational.

WSWS (2023-05-10). The corporatist record of the Communication Workers Union: 2007 to 2023. wsws.org Corporatism asserts a common interest between workers and employers and means the total subordination of the working class to the profit dictates of the company. The bitter experience of the past 15 years shows that there is no such "common interest."

Rania Khalek (2023-05-10). North Korea Truth & Lies: Challenging the Propaganda, w/ Ju-Hyun Park. thealtworld.com In the U.S. we're taught that North Korea is a horrible backwards dictatorship where every person is captive to an evil regime run by a mad man who has an inexplicable hatred of the U.S., freedom and democracy — and is always on the edge of launching a nuclear missile to destroy the world. | This, we're told, is the reason we have to isolate the country and occupy South Korea with thousands of U.S. soldiers. The purpose of such a simplistic narrative is to prevent Americans from getting curious about what's really happening there. | Why is North Korea so closed off? What's the relevant history of that regio…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-09). The Warmongering U.S. Empire is Crashing, the Lying Western Media's Days are Numbered. libya360.wordpress.com Finian Cunningham, Bruce Gagnon and Daniel Lazarre The Western mainstream media have never been so blatant in their propaganda for the U.S. empire. The pretensions are threadbare. As the warmongering U.S. government/regime and its Western/NATO imperialist lackeys are becoming more exposed and desperate to maintain credibility, so too are their media tools. The likes of…

Paul Craig Roberts (2023-05-09). The Final Folly of the Western World. thealtworld.com The victory over President Trump of the military/security complex has condemned the United States and its European, Canadian, Australian, and Japanese empire to irreversible decline. Trump's intention to "normalize relations with Russia" was perceived by the powerful military/security complex, about which both President Eisenhower and President John F. Kennedy warned, as a threat to its budget, power, and primacy. Thus was launched by the CIA and FBI the long and ongoing era of false charges against an American President, both in office and out, by the security services of the United States. | The consequence is…

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