2023-05-06: News Headlines

John Pilger (2023-05-06). We must speak up before the propagandists get their war with China. peoplesdispatch.org Where are the voices that speak up against fascism, war, and propaganda, asks renowned journalist John Pilger as he surveys the past decade of dirty tricks perpetrated by the United States and its allies…

midwesternmarx (2023-05-05). Odessa after the massacre: nine years later the wounds are still fresh. By: Steve Sweeney. midwesternmarx.com The west continues to ignore, downplay and misrepresent the trade unionists who were burned alive in Odessa's trade union building by Nato's fascist stormtroopers The burning alive of antifascist protestors in Odessa's trade union building on 2 May 2014 sent shock waves round the world. But the perpetrators of this heinous crime, far from being brought to book, have been rewarded with promotions and immunity. These are the 'democrats' our rulers are funding …

Liberation Staff (2023-05-05). Fascists, cops, and politicians: Who will face justice for Jan. 6 attack? liberationnews.org This sanitized version of the story is designed to shield those in influential positions in the state from scrutiny over their own roles in the attack.

Rodolfo Bueno (2023-05-05). Raíces nazis del conflicto mundial. globalresearch.ca El racismo de Occidente es tan viejo como Matusalén, numerosos de sus pensadores intentaron demostrar que los anglosajones, los celtas y los teutones son de raza superior. | Rudyard Kipling, premio Nobel de literatura, escribió el poema "La carga del Hombre …

Guillermo Castillo Ramírez (2023-05-06). La centralidad de los migrantes en el estudio de los procesos de movilidad humana transfronteriza. globalizacion.ca En el contexto del desarrollo del neoliberalismo y como parte de los procesos de expansión espacial de la globalización, las migraciones internacionales han sido una de las expresiones de los procesos de desigualdad y exclusión social del capitalismo contemporáneo. | Las…

Colin Todhunter (2023-05-06). What Was Covid Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. "Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy"? globalresearch.ca If it was indeed about public health, why close down the bulk of health services and the global economy knowing full well what the implications would be? And why mount a military-style propaganda campaign to censor world-renowned scientists and terrorise entire populations…

Jorge Alemán (2023-05-05). Después del Capitalismo, øqué? globalizacion.ca Lo que le otorga al capitalismo actual su apariencia indestructible es la manera en que pudo conjugar para su propio beneficio distintos factores heterogéneos. Se podría decir que fue en el capitalismo posfordista donde se hizo efectiva definitivamente esta realidad….

Natylie Baldwin (2023-05-05). Taking the Capitalist Road Was the Wrong Choice For Ukraine, Says Ukraine Expert. covertactionmagazine.com Renfrey Clarke is an Australian journalist. Throughout the 1990s he reported from Moscow for Green Left Weekly of Sydney. This past year, he published The Catastrophe of Ukrainian Capitalism: How Privatisation Dispossessed & Impoverished the Ukrainian People with Resistance Books. In April, I had an email exchange with Clarke. Below is the transcript. Natylie Baldwin: You …

Robert Reich (2023-05-05). øQué hay detrás de los ataques republicanos contra las personas transgénero? peoplesworld.org Los republicanos de Montana han impedido que la legisladora transgénero demócrata Zooey Zephyr participe en un debate sobre las restricciones propuestas para los jóvenes transgénero. A Zephyr, una demócrata de primer mandato de Missoula y la primera mujer abiertamente transgénero elegida para la legislatura de Montana, no se le ha permitido hablar en el piso …

Socialist Alternative (2023-05-06). Saturday 5/6: Socialist City Councilor Kshama Sawant Comes to Oakland. indybay.org Oakland Public Library: Rockridge Branch | 5366 College Avenue Oakland, CA 94618…

Staff (2023-05-06). Secretario nacional del Partido Comunista Francés recibe a Morales Ojeda y a la delegación cubana. cubadebate.cu El miembro del Buró Político y secretario de Organización del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba, Roberto Morales Ojeda y la delegación que lo acompañó en su visita de varios días a países socialistas asiáticos, fueron recibidos por el secretario nacional del Partido Comunista Francés, Fabien Roussel, durante un breve tránsito por París.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-05). Conditions Are Maturing for the Final Defeat of Neo-Colonialism. libya360.wordpress.com Friends of Socialist China co-editor Keith Bennett spoke at the Global Conference on Multipolarity, held online on Saturday April 29. The conference, which was jointly convened by organizations from China, Türkiye, Russia, Brazil and elsewhere, and coordinated from Moscow, was addressed by more than 120 speakers from over 60 countries. Addressing the theme of neo-colonialism, Keith…

Julie Varughese (2023-05-05). 'Anti-Black' Claim Raised About Cuba As Solidarity Activists Stopped at U.S. Border & Black Socialists Arraigned in United States for Collaborating with Russia. towardfreedom.org A 2-year-old argument about "anti-Blackness" in Cuba, which Black solidarity activists in the United States say has no basis in reality, has reared its head. TF editor Julie Varughese reports.

Fight Back (2023-05-05). Freedom Road Socialist Organization Twin Cities celebrates International Workers Day 2023. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN – On Saturday, April 29, over 100 activists from mass movements around the Twin Cities area came together at the office of the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers and Education Support Professionals Local 59 to celebrate International Workers Day, and another year in struggle across the movements in the streets, and the movement for socialism. The location was fitting for such an event because the Teachers and Educators in Minneapolis Public Schools spent more than three weeks on strike only one year ago. The room was packed and boisterous. The speeches were lively. The night closed with a performa…

Fight Back (2023-05-05). Tallahassee FRSO holds May Day rally. fightbacknews.org Tallahassee, FL — On Saturday, April 29, around 25 community members gathered for an International Workers Day rally at the Smokey Hollow Memorial, organized by the Tallahassee Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO). International Workers Day, otherwise known as May Day, was born out of the struggle for the eight-hour workday here in the U.S. and is celebrated by working class people all over the world. | Regina Joseph, member of the Tallahassee Community Action Committee (TCAC), spoke on the current situation facing working-class people in Florida, saying, "Everywhere we look Ron DeSantis is doing some…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-05-05). Cuba: President Meets With Over 300 Enthusiastic US Activists Pledging to End Blockade. orinocotribune.com By Bill Hackwell — May 1, 2023 | This morning at the Palace of the Revolution, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel received over 300 friends of Cuba who had traveled from the United States to demand an end to the blockade. Brigades, groups, and other delegations are in Cuba to take part in the May 1 activities celebrating the International Day of Workers and to show their solidarity with the Cuban people who have withstood the longest continuous blockade in modern history. | Students, trade unionists, lawyers, and political activists are here, many making their first visit to the socialist island. Recognizing…

midwesternmarx (2023-05-05). Karl Marx: A Biographical Sketch with an Exposition of Marxism. By: V. I. Lenin. midwesternmarx.com PrefaceThis article on Karl Marx, which now appears in a separate printing, was written in 1913 (as far as I can remember) for the Granat Encyclopaedia. A fairly detailed bibliography of literature on Marx, mostly foreign, was appended to the article. This has been omitted in the present edition. The editor of the Encyclopaedia, for their part, have, for censorship reasons, deleted the end of the article on Marx, namely, the section dealing with his revolutionary tactics. Unfortunate …

Peoples Dispatch (2023-05-06). The newest Ecuadorian union took to the streets on May Day. peoplesdispatch.org In Quito, Ecuador, under the banner of "Change, Honesty, and Work", a group of workers, on April 24, formed a new trade union center. "We, the workers of Ecuador, present a new trade union organization, heir to our country's class-conscious and revolutionary trade unionism, which we have called: Ecuadorian Solidarity Workers Confederation (CTSE)," announced the workers in a "Our thinking and political position is aligned with our proletarian heart, as pillars of the constitution of the CTSE," they explained, adding the CTSE is a "new type…

F. William Engdahl (2023-05-06). The "Great Zero Carbon" Conspiracy and the WEF's "Great Reset" globalresearch.ca The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of "net zero carbon" by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.

WSWS (2023-05-05). Germany: Conservative-Green Party state government passes repressive assembly law. wsws.org The CDU-Green Assembly Act resembles the type of measure favoured by right-wing dictatorships and has been welcomed by representatives of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD).

Roger D. Harris (2023-05-05). Mr. Guaidó Goes to Washington. dissidentvoice.org Juan Guaidó continues to advocate punishing the Venezuelan people with US coercive economic measures. Recently shipped to Washington DC, the former "interim president" of Venezuela pleaded, "You can't use a kind or soft approach," such as easing the suffering, because it would "normalize dictatorship." Guaidó was livestreamed May 3 from the quasi-governmental Wilson Center. Located …

teleSUR (2023-05-05). Leaked Data Reveal the US is an Unchecked Surveillance Empire. telesurenglish.net A set of highly classified documents from the U.S. Pentagon were leaked online in recent weeks, in an apparent security breach that revealed U.S. intelligence gathering on some of its key allies. Those documents again shed light on the extensive spying activities conducted by the U.S. in various parts of the world | RELATED: | For many years, Washington has been spying on the world through electronic eavesdropping and communication…

Josh Walkos (2023-05-05). The Long Shadow of BlackRock. thelastamericanvagabond.com During the last two major crises, in 2008 and 2020, the average person was worried about their retirement or the small business they had taken their life to build up into a viable enterprise. While they were in the fog of war at this time, largely unaware of the high-level moves being made, the financial

Peoples Dispatch (2023-05-06). Serbia rattled by the killing of 17 people in back-to-back mass shootings. peoplesdispatch.org Gun ownership in Serbia is among the highest in Europe and a massive proliferation of small arms took place in the country and in around the Balkans during the civil wars in the 1990s which led to the disintegration of the erstwhile Yugoslavia.

Peter Koenig (2023-05-06). WHO's Worldwide Power Grab: Beware of the New International Health Regulation and Pandemic Treaty, a Health Tyranny Never Heard of Before in Human History. globalresearch.ca

Susan Price (2023-05-05). Sudan: 'Our people will ultimately triumph over tyrants'. greenleft.org.au Following the outbreak of fighting in Sudan's capital, Khartoum, on April 15, between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces/Janjaweed militia, The Civilian Front to Stop the War and Restore Democracy was launched on April 27, reports Susan Price. It brings together more than 80 civil society and political groups and 130 individual signatories.

Ann Brown (2023-05-05). Fact Check: People Who Are Obsessed with Celebrities Are Less Intelligent. moguldom.com People who are obsessed with celebrities might be less intelligent than others, one study claims. Research by Hungarian academics found that people obsessed with Hollywood gossip and A-list celebs tend not to be smart. The study was published in BMC Psychology in late 2021 and concluded that "there is a direct association between celebrity worship and poorer performance …

Ann Brown (2023-05-05). Big Pharma Eli Lilly Cuts Insulin Prices By 70%, Helping Access For Diabetes Sufferers. moguldom.com Buying insulin has become a lot cheaper. Drugmaker Eli Lilly cut list prices by 70 percent for its most commonly prescribed forms of insulin, Humalog and Humulin. The Big Pharma company seems to have caved into the criticism of healthcare companies by lawmakers over the rising costs of insulin. The drugmaker will also lower the …

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